Thursday, May 16, 3:30 pm Eastern
Overwhelmed by the amount of industry news that floods your inbox? Not sure which sources are reliable or accurate? Whatever happened to the news sources you relied on in the past? What resources are available now that could help turn YOU into a credible financial services reporter? Attend this FREE webinar taught by Allison Bell and learn the inside scoop from a veteran journalist with deep experience in the financial services world.
Allison Bell has been covering financial services since 1991, when she took over the business beat at the Vero Beach Press-Journal and attended seminars where economists promised that interest rates could never rise 3 percentage points in a year.
She has been covering the life and health insurance sector at, an independent news website, and ThinkAdvisor's predecessor organizations, since 1996. Bell has a Bachelor's degree in economics from Washington University in St. Louis and a Master's degree from Northwestern University's journalism school.

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