Foundation Founders

signified by a star next to their name.

Corporate Donors

  • Sustaining Partner ($100,000+lifetime)
  • Platinum Partner ($25,000-$99,000)
  • Gold Partner ($10,000-$24,999)
  • Silver Partner ($5,000-$9,999)
  • Bronze Partner ($1,000-$4,999)
  • Foundation Friend ($1-$999)

Corporate Donors Recognition


SustainingSILA, Inc.


PlatinumRegEd, Inc.


GoldGreenberg Traurig Philanthropic
GoldPearson VUE
GoldPhysicians Mutual Insurance Company
GoldRhoads Online Institute
GoldStifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.


SilverAmerican Family Insurance Group
SilverBusiness Information Group (BIG)
SilverILSA Resource Pro Compliance
SilverKaplan Professional
SilverPSI Services, LLC


BronzeA. D. Banker & Company
BronzeAXIS Insurance
BronzeClements and Company
BronzeMCO (MyComplianceOffice)
BronzeNational Life Group
BronzeNoMoreForms, powered by aINSIGHT
BronzeQuality Assurance Adjusting Services dba QA Claims
BronzeSupportive Insurance Services LLC

Foundation Friend

Foundation Friend3H Creative | Creative Compliance
Foundation FriendAssurant Foundation
Foundation FriendIMA Foundation
Foundation FriendInsCipher
Foundation FriendLockton Companies, LLC
Foundation FriendMad Dog Web Hosting & Design
Foundation FriendPatten Training & Review
Foundation FriendPrometric
Foundation FriendSaenger Consulting Group
Foundation FriendSysteme Software, Inc.
Foundation FriendThe Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation

Specialty Donors

  • Bruce Saenger Memorial Education Grant
  • In-Kind Donations

Specialty Donors Recognition

Bruce Saenger Memorial Education Grant

Education GrantA. D. Banker & Company
Education GrantBernadette Iwane
Education GrantWanda Magers
Education GrantSam & Libby Meyer
Education GrantDeirdre Patten-Kowalski
Education GrantCheryl Saenger
Education GrantSaenger Consulting Group


In-Kind DonationsBusiness Information Group (BIG)
In-Kind DonationsKaplan Financial
In-Kind DonationsMetLife
In-Kind DonationsPatten Training Services
In-Kind DonationsPearson VUE
In-Kind DonationsPSI Services LLC
In-Kind DonationsTina Wirtz

Individual Donors

  • Fellow ($1,000-up)
  • Benefactor ($500-$999)
  • Supporter ($100-$499)
  • Contributor ($20-$99)

Individual Donors Recognition


FellowBob Birman
FellowCindy Davidson
FellowMary Ellen Hammack
FellowKingston Koser
FellowLesli Leakey
FellowJeff Lehman
FellowSam & Libby Meyer
FellowBob Nero
FellowTimothy Owen
FellowJames "Matt" Ray
FellowKarl Robison
FellowRandall Rosenkrans
FellowLisa Tordjman


BenefactorDiana Capes
BenefactorSherri Coleman
BenefactorSue Davenport
BenefactorJay Davis
BenefactorBob Hamburger
BenefactorKaren Hornig
BenefactorJohn Humphries, Jr.
BenefactorBernadette Iwane
BenefactorDeirdre Patten-Kowalski
BenefactorDonna Robinson
BenefactorCheryl Saenger
BenefactorKaren Silsby
BenefactorMelvin Smith
BenefactorMargery Webber


SupporterDan Baker
SupporterJeff Baughman
SupporterDeidre Birk
SupporterJohn Boeck
SupporterDixie Brown
SupporterTheresa Bucek
SupporterGloria Camacho
SupporterKaren Cardo
SupporterJoe Como
SupporterDiana Cooper
SupporterTadas Dabsys
SupporterRodny Dartiguenave
SupporterDavid DeLong
SupporterDavid Dietrich
SupporterBarb Donnar
SupporterJanet Edwards
SupporterGeorgia Fain
SupporterCharlene Ferguson
SupporterBrian Ferguson
SupporterJohn Fielding
SupporterJean Filipiak
SupporterMelanie Frechette
SupporterLorie Gasior
SupporterBarbara Gavitt
SupporterJimmy Gunn
SupporterLarry Hagerty
SupporterKathleen Halverson
SupporterHeather Henderson
SupporterLora Herman
SupporterMary Lou Hood
SupporterJoseph Jania
SupporterHolly Kinney
SupporterDan Kolakowski
SupporterRichard Kowalski
SupporterJoan LaCourse
SupporterMyra Lucero
SupporterJannae Lutter
SupporterNancy Maraat
SupporterKenneth Martin
SupporterKaren McArdle
SupporterRegina "Jeannie" McLarnon
SupporterJoy Miller
SupporterWalton Moseley
SupporterTracy Murdock
SupporterKaren Murphy
SupporterSheryl Mustain
SupporterAnne Marie Narcini
SupporterJohn Paddock
SupporterAnn Robinson
SupporterStephanie Rustad
SupporterBruce Saenger
SupporterCheryl Saenger
SupporterTracy Sloan
SupporterSuraya Soto
SupporterDeborah Tatro
SupporterKarin Tejkl
SupporterJennifer Timm
SupporterEdward Vincent
SupporterSandy Von Ruden
SupporterAmy Ward
SupporterPenny Williams
SupporterTina Wirtz


ContributorVikki Adams
ContributorDenise Andries
ContributorLauren Ashley
ContributorLucretia Ashley
ContributorSal Auricchio
ContributorSandra Bailey
ContributorEugene Barnes
ContributorChristy Baumiller
ContributorMike Beavers
ContributorPat Bechelli
ContributorJennifer Blehm
ContributorSusan Boles
ContributorJohnna Bond
ContributorEvelyn Bonner
ContributorJennifer Bridgwater
ContributorBeth Brooks-West
ContributorNikki Brown
ContributorDominique Brown
ContributorNikki Brown
ContributorLinda Brunette
ContributorRachelle Bruning
ContributorJulie Burgess
ContributorStephanie Butz
ContributorJohn "Jack" Chaskey
ContributorLaurie Coe
ContributorAdriana Coleman
ContributorRobert Commodore
ContributorDaniel Corridon
ContributorMaria Coy
ContributorDebbie Crane
ContributorMichelle Crider
ContributorCheryl Crittenden
ContributorIlene Cuadrado
ContributorClemence Dartey
ContributorJune Davis
ContributorCindy Dayton
ContributorVicki Dees
ContributorLauren DeLouche
ContributorLori Dinquel
ContributorAnn Dooley
ContributorKenyi Doyle
ContributorPeggy Dunlap
ContributorPatricia Duryea
ContributorRick Ensing
ContributorNancy Erbeck
ContributorDana Espinoza
ContributorStephanie Falls
ContributorDeborah Fike
ContributorJim Fryer
ContributorDan Garber
ContributorRebecca Garcia
ContributorSandra Garrison
ContributorTerri Gasior
ContributorCharles Geigner
ContributorChristine Gillis
ContributorNicholas Glaser
ContributorLaTanya Goodwin
ContributorDebbie Gregory
ContributorAnn Greismer
ContributorKaren Gruber
ContributorRandy Gundlach
ContributorJoanna Hagelberger
ContributorMarinell Harper
ContributorChris Heggelund
ContributorPatrick Henry
ContributorPat Hertlein
ContributorKristen Hinson
ContributorSherry Holtquist
ContributorKira Horn
ContributorSusan Horn
ContributorLinda Howell
ContributorDonna Johnson
ContributorScott Jordan
ContributorPatty Joyce
ContributorJohn Kalohn
ContributorCourtney Khodabakhsh
ContributorPenny Kilberry
ContributorSheryl Knight
ContributorLeslie Kosal
ContributorMary Kay Krambeer
ContributorDan Langer
ContributorChristina Laquiere
ContributorChristy Lawson
ContributorDeborah Little
ContributorMargaret Livermore
ContributorTracy Lord Bishop
ContributorHeather Lyons
ContributorLeeAnn MacCready
ContributorWanda Magers
ContributorNatalie Maher
ContributorKarin Marshall
ContributorMonica Martin
ContributorLorinda Martinez
ContributorJason Mayer
ContributorJason McCartney
ContributorMaria McCoy
ContributorBeth McCullough
ContributorAnn McLaughlin-Bonetta
ContributorJulie Mendel
ContributorSue Michael
ContributorJeff Miller
ContributorKay Miller
ContributorTheresa Miller
ContributorCorette Moore
ContributorMichelle Morgan
ContributorGuilda Moussazadeh
ContributorRichard Muccio
ContributorBradley Mullen
ContributorTherese Mullen
ContributorDana Myhre
ContributorJennifer Nana
ContributorEileen Nanna
ContributorLinda Newsome
ContributorMary Newton
ContributorBrian Niemiec
ContributorSylvia Nott
ContributorWynne Nye
ContributorMary Ann O'Brien
ContributorCindi Offerman
ContributorSherrie Owens
ContributorMary Ann O'Brien
ContributorTeresa Padgett
ContributorLeslie Page
ContributorKaren Parl
ContributorKathy Pavlicek
ContributorNitza Pfaff
ContributorRenee Powell
ContributorDonna Richardson
ContributorPam Riehs
ContributorThomas Ripperda
ContributorVanessa Robinson
ContributorHeather Russell
ContributorMaria Sabina
ContributorLaurie Sadowski
ContributorPam Sampey
ContributorDetina Samuels
ContributorDe Santapola
ContributorKevin Schemm
ContributorSandra Schneider
ContributorLeona Schwab
ContributorDeetra Serrano
ContributorKaitlyn Small
ContributorKimberly Snavely
ContributorStan Starkey
ContributorRisa Steinberger
ContributorRobert Stevens
ContributorBryan Stevens
ContributorJared Streeter
ContributorArlene Sundby
ContributorJackie Sweet
ContributorMatt Tamplin
ContributorNita Thompson
ContributorLoretta Trujillo
ContributorJulie Tucker
ContributorTim Turner
ContributorDeanna Vansell
ContributorKaren Vourvopoulos
ContributorAmy Ward
ContributorJeff Weinstein
ContributorChuck Welsh
ContributorKay Williams
ContributorVeronica Williams
ContributorPaul Willis
ContributorMichelle Wilson
ContributorJ. Preston Winn
ContributorChristopher Wirtz
ContributorTracy Woirol
ContributorLaurie Wolf
ContributorAllister Yu
ContributorMindy Zaborowski
ContributorKen Zgraggen

Monthly Donors

Monthly DonorMary Ellen Hammack
Monthly DonorLesli Leakey
Monthly DonorJeff Lehman
Monthly DonorMatt Ray
Monthly DonorKarl Robison

Tax Deductions for Donations

SILA Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 organization.

This means that any donations you may make to SILA Foundation can be deducted from your income taxes. Please check with your tax professional for guidance and applicable tax advice.