Thursday, February 21, 3:30 pm Eastern
In today's polarized society, where anybody can say anything online and seemingly get away with it, what protections are in place when someone says or publishes something false or defamatory? Join us for a FREE educational webinar taught by Dwight Kealy where we will learn about defamation, false statements, and the difference between libel and slander. We will understand when, where and how defamation happens, and the kinds of insurance coverage that will respond to charges of defamation, as well as the limitations to coverage. And we will hear about landmark cases of defamation litigation as well as more recent developments via social media platforms.
Dwight Kealy is an attorney and insurance expert with his own practice in Southern California. He brings over 15 years of experience in the insurance industry and is a faculty member for the National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research, teaching commercial lines, workers compensation and umbrella coverage to designation candidates all over the country.
Dwight has written numerous books and articles on insurance, and has testified in depositions and at trial as an expert witness. A thought leader on the topic of defamation Dwight will explain when, where and how defamation happens and the kinds of insurance coverage that will respond to charges of defamation.
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