Frictionless Surplus Lines Filing: Tips for Creating Workflows that Actually Work
Thursday, October 21, 3:00pm Eastern
When it comes to agency operations, nothing is a drain on resources like inefficient processes. This is especially true of surplus lines tax filing, where errors and missed deadlines = penalties and fees. Kahea Stafford thrives on helping organizations like yours streamline their internal processes to create efficiencies and cost savings by working smarter, not harder. In this one-hour FREE SILA Foundation webinar she’ll walk you through industry best practices for surplus lines management and share tips and tricks for simplifying the surplus lines filing process.
New Registration Procedure: All SILA Members, to earn SILA designation credit, be sure to log into your SILA account when registering. Non-Members are also able to register on SILA without logging in.
Kahea Stafford
Director of Operations, InsCipher
Has been in the financial and insurance industry for 15+ years. She specializes in agency operations, workflow, and user perspectives when working with different teams within InsCipher. She loves understanding the complexity of state regulations and creating solutions that impact the insurance industry in a technology-focused way.
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